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enterprise union中文是什么意思

用"enterprise union"造句"enterprise union"怎么读"enterprise union" in a sentence


  • 企业工会


  • Thought about building learning - style organization in enterprise union
  • China ’ s top 500 enterprises are the scale - largest 500 ones selected by china enterprise union and china entrepreneur association
  • For example , multicultural conformity in international running is become more and more important . at present , with the enterprises unions being more and more , the conflict among culture are becoming serious
  • The rationality that beginning and development of ve has been analyzed , and by comparing ve with traditional enterprises and other enterprise unions , the characters of ve have been analyzed and the systematic construction about ve has been provided
  • Leaders paid a visit to siwu ' s photo exhibition , who were : chen mingzheng , party secretary of north china bureau ; shu guoqing , deputy director of north china bureau ; tan changming , secretary for disciplinary inspection and chairman of enterprise unions ; huang shaizhang , former party secretary of north china bureau
用"enterprise union"造句  


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